MATH 415 Lecture 2

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Section 3: Isomorphic Binary Structures

A binary structure consits of a set and a binary operation .

Tables from the book define binary structures:

  • , , ,
  • ,
  • ,

(th row and th column represent for )

Table 3.1
Table 3.2
Table 3.3
Table 3.4
Table 3.5
Table 3.6

Tables 3.1 and 3.2 are bijections of each other with the following transformation:

  • ↔ #
  • ↔ $
  • ↔ &

Table 3.6 is reflexive


Let and be binary algebraic structures. An isomorphism of with is a one-to-one [1] function mapping onto [2] such that for all .


Since is both one-to-one and onto, we call it a bijection.

Note: A function that is not a bijection but still satisfies the property is called a homomorphism. In other words, an isomorphism is a bijective homomorphism

Recall isomorphic structures from yesterday:

Showing Non-Isomorphism

Keep word invariant in mind...


Addition and Multiplication

Transformation function is : it is a bijection because

  • (one-to-one) monotonically increasing
  • (onto)

It is homomorphic because

It also has an inverse mapping

Integers and Even Integers

Easy to see bijection homomorphism:

and have same cardinality (both countable), but

Assume we have a homomorphic function , then this would satisfy equation . There are two solutions in , namely 0 and 1, but only one solution in , namely 1. This is a contradiction.


Given a binary structure , we call an identity for if for all

  • 1 is identity for multiplication
  • 0 is identity for addition

Theorem 3.13

Uniqueness of Identity Element

A binary structure has at most one identity element.

Proof by contradiction. Assume we have two distinct identities for . Then and . By transitivity, . Contradiction.


A group has the following axioms:

  1. is associative
  2. There is an identity element
  3. Corresponding to each , there is an "inverse" element such that

Group is abelian [3] (or commutative) if is commutative. That is, for all .


is a group:

  1. multiplication is associative
  2. identity element is 1
  3. inverse of is .
  • is an abelian group
  • is an abelian group
  • is an abelian group
  • is not a group because there is no inverse for 2
  • is not a group since not all matrices are invertible, however
  • (where is the set of invertible matrices of size ) is a group


  1. a function is one-to-one if all elements of domain have unique image in codomain
  2. a function is onto if the range (i.e. set of all images of function) is equivalent to codomain
  3. The name "abelian" is from the great mathematician Abel.