MATH 415 Lecture 11

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Factor Groups

Theorem 14.1. Let be a homomorphism and be the kernel of . We denote as the set of left cosets (identical to right cosets since is the kernel).

We call the factor group obtained from and the homomorphism .

we define as the operation

The function is an isomorphism on the image of .

Similarly, we define , and note that in general.

Theorem 14.4

Recall that a subgroup is normal if its left and right cosets coincide.

Let . Then left coset multiplication is well-defined by the equation if and only if is a normal subgroup of .

Proof. Suppose that does not give a well-defined binary operation; so for , is it true that ? Let , , and . By definition and are from the same coset.

Therefore, , when we have assumed it to be a member of a left coset. Therefore, and imply that and thus is normal.

So if is normal in , let's take a look at the operation . Is it true that if and , then ?

Using our definition of and , we arrive at the following: . If we look at , we deduce that must be equivalent to for some since is normal and its cosets coincide. Therefore . Since is closed on , we can represent as , therefore is equivalent to .

quod erat demonstrandum

Corollary. If , then the cosets of form a group under the binary operation .

  • Associativity:
  • Identity: , which is the ID element in
  • Inverse: , so


, and

What is the quotient group ?

. This group is exactly isomorphic to on addition mod .

The Fundamental Homomorphism Theorem

First, we need Theorem 14.9. Let . Then given by is a homomorphism with the kernel .

Proof. For , we need to check that . By definition . Observe that the first factor is and the second is . Therefore it is a homomorphism.

What about kernel? By definition, the kernel is . Now . Since , we get , so the kernel of is . Furthermore, we can say that is onto.

quod erat demonstrandum

From before, we have

Now we can state that since (in particular, ), , and .

Theorem 14.11. [The Fundamental Homomorphism Theorem]. Let be a group homomorphism with kernel . Then is a group, and given by is an isomorphism. If is the homomorphism given by , then for each .


, and .

Note and .

for a very specific reason: and such that and , then .

Back to the example, we have and because

  • and

And now because .

Theorem 14.13

The following are three equivalent conditions for a subgroup of a group to be a normal subgroup of .

  1. for all , .
  2. for all .
  3. for all .
Note: The transformation is called the conjugation of by .

Assume , so 3 holds. Let , .

, so which holds by the assumption.


Let be the group of automorphisms, or isomorphisms of a group with itself, over the composition operation.

  • It is closed over composition since if and are isomorphisms, then will be an isomorphism as well.
  • We already know that composition is associative
  • The identity element will be the identity isomorphism (mapping elements in to themselves)