MATH 414 Lecture 39

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MRA in terms of Fourier Transforms

Gives (yet another) way to construct MRA spaces, scaling function, and wavelet function: by finding Fourier transforms that depend on a special polynomial .

Scaling Function

Recall the scaling relation:

Theorem 5.19. The Fourier Transform of a MRA scaling function is given by:


Proof. Use the scaling relation and follow the definitions.

Evaluating the Fourier Transform of (with a change of variables ) gives

quod erat demonstrandum

Corollary. If satisfies the normalization condition: , then

Proof. Evaluating the recursive function (from the theorem above) times gives

Taking the limit as tends to infinity gives

...and we know what is:


quod erat demonstrandum

Wavelet Function

We can do a similar thing for the wavelet function given its definition in terms of :

Theorem. The Fourier Transform of a MRA wavelet function is given by:

Where .

Moreover, assuming for all , the above is equivalent to

Proof. Since , the Fourier transform of is:

If is real, then , so

quod erat demonstrandum

Restrictions on

The polynomial used above must satisfy a couple of conditions. These conditions directly correspond to the conditions we placed on the coefficients.

Theorem 5.23. Given the definition of above, if satisfies the following conditions

  1. (since sum of all 's is 2)
  2. for all
  3. for all


is the Fourier transform of a scaling function.


quod erat demonstrandum

Consequently, since

Note: Conditions 1 & 2 correspond to the following conditions on the 's:

Daubechies Wavelet

Defined based on number of vanishing moments. This is what makes this wavelet/MRA unique.

if or . This shall be used to construct .

What's really important is

This is just a polynomial of degree .

In regards to vanishing moments, recall that the th moment is given by

The is defined to have vanishing moments:

In terms of the polynomial above, we factor as follows

Where and has degree .

Matlab Example

Suppose we wanted to find a wavelet decomposition for

This is a degree 2 polynomial, so in order to have no 's, we need a Daubechies wavelet with vanishing moments such that : :

and level 1 decomposition approximation .