MATH 414 Lecture 31

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Multi-Resolution Analysis MRA

Collection of subspaces of , , and a function , called the scaling function.

The 's and satisfy the following properties:

  1. Nested.
  2. Density.
  3. Separation.
  4. Scaling. if and only if
  5. Orthonormal Property. is an orthonormal basis for .

Haar MRA

The Haar MRA that we've been talking about.

Shannon MRA

Recall that is said to be band-limited if and only if is when

The band-limited functions with fixed is a subspace of . Why?

  • is in the space
  • closed over addition
  • closed over multiplication

In the Shannon MRA,

  1. Nested: , band is , and for every , has support contained in . Functions in have support contained in
  2. Density.
  3. Separation.
  4. Scaling.
  5. Orthonormal Property. is an orthonormal basis: . To show that , we need Parseval's theorem.

Linear Spline MRA

For example, has corners at integers


  1. is an orthonormal basis for
  2. Scaling. , expand in the orthonormal basis

In General

The scaling relation for any wavelet system is given by

For Haar wavelets, , for

Support of a Function

The support of a function is the largest closed interval on which doesn't vanish.