MATH 414 Lecture 21

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Sampling Theorem

Band-limited function (this means that for .

  • is the angular frequency
  • is the natural frequency (measured in Hertz)
  • is the Nyquist rate (or sampling rate)


Theorem. If is band-limited, with for , then


Proof. Expand in a Fourier Series on :

Use this definition of in the series expansion of :

Put the series back into the definition and interchange sum & integral (takes a lot of work)

This recovers from its samples at .

quod erat demonstrandum

Discrete Fourier Transform

Way of computing an approximation to coefficients in the Fourier Series , where , given samples at .

We know .

We want , so we need a quadrature formula to approximate

We shall use the composite trapezoidal rule:

Suppose is -periodic (and continuous): , , and . Then and , so :

Back to the original problem, we wish to evaluate

Where is the complex conjugate of .

We get a nice inversion formula as well:

