MATH 409 Lecture 15

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Derivative is defined as or equivalently .


  • Lagrange:
  • Newton:
  • Leibniz:
  • Euler:
  • (higher order derivatives)

Derivative at a point denoted .

Differentiability Theorems

  • Sum and Difference Rules
  • Product Rule
  • Quotient Rule

Derivatives of Elementary Functions

Higher-Order Derivatives

Defined inductively:

For for any , the -th derivative of at a point , denoted , is defined by .

Derivative Spaces

Let be an interval of the real line . We denote or as the set of all continuous functions on .

For any , we denote as the set of all functions that are times continuously differentiable on . (that is, the -th derivative is continuous)

represents the set of all infinitely continuously differentiable on .


, and for .

Product and Chain rules show that is differentiable on .

For .

The function is continuous at , but the derivative is not continuous at , so is not differentiable at . Indeed has no limit as .

, and for .

As above, the Product and Chain rules show that is differentiable on .

For ,

The function is differentiable at 0. Indeed as .

Note that is not continuously differentiable on since is not continuous at . Namely, does not exist.

Power Rule

Theorem. for all and .

Proof by induction. In the case , we have for all .

Assume that for some and all . Using the product rule, we obtain .

quod erat demonstrandum

Note: The theorem can also be proved using the formula .

In the same breath, for all and .

Using reciprocal rule, we obtain

Derivative of Inverse Function

Theorem. Suppose is an invertible continuous function. If is differentiable at a point and , then the inverse function is differentiable at the point and

Proof. Since is differentiable at , we know that is defined on an open interval containing . Since is continuous and invertible, it follows from the Intermediate Value Theorem that is strictly monotone on , the image is an open interval containing , and the inverse function is continuous and strictly monotone on .

We have . Since , it follows that . Since is continuous and monotone on the interval , we obtain that and when and .

Therefore .

quod erat demonstrandum

Remark. In the case , the inverse function is not differentiable at .

Indeed, if is differentiable at , the chain rule implies that . Obviously the LHS is the identity function, so , so that .


, .

The function is strictly decreasing on and maps this interval onto . By definition, the function is the inverse of the restriction of to . Notice that and for . It follows that the function is continuous on and not differentiable at and . Moreover, for any ,

Let (hence ). We have by the pythagorean identity. Besides, since . Consequently, . Thus .

quod erat demonstrandum

Homework hint; use similar method to prove for and , just use same identity (divide by for )

Exponential and Logarithmic Functions

Theorem. The sequence for is increasing and bounded, hence convergent.

The limit is the number (number of letters in each word in "I'm forming a mnemonic to remember a constant in analysis")

Corollary. .

Not proved here... (Ain't nobody got time for that!)

for any and , the exponential function is strictly monotone and continuous on . It maps onto . Therefore the inverse function is strictly monotone and continuous on . The natural logarithm is also denoted just .

Since as , it follows that as . In other words,


for .

for all . Therefore for any ,

for , where .

Equivalently, . So .

for .

Since is the inverse function , we obtain for all .

Power Rule: General Case

for all and .

Proof. Let us fix a number and consider for . For any , we obtain , where . Hence , where for and for . By the chain rule, .

quod erat demonstrandum