MATH 251 Lecture 31

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Next written homework will cover Div, Grad, Curl (and all that)

Laplace Operator

  • ← this is the Laplace Operator

Partial differential equation: , where is an unknown function.

For example:

  • (this satisfies the diff eq)

Version of Laplace's Equation for Electrostatics

Let represent the electric potential at point . In a domain, take a point and a vector .

We want to find the voltage drop at in the direction of :


Think of current as a vector field. By conservation of charge, its divergence should be 0:

If is a constant, we can factor it out of the divergence operator, leaving

Product Rule for Div, Grad, Curl

Green's Theorem

(See Vector Analysis Theorems#Green's Theorem→)

For a vector field

Recall that curl measures the circulation of around a point .

For a domain and a boundary curve . Let be differentiable throughout domain (even at boundary).

We want to find . This could be interpreted as the circulation of around

This could also be the sum of around a bunch of little pieces inside .



Let be the ellipse in the CCW direction, and let