MATH 251 Lecture 21

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Quadratic Form Example

  1. Lagrange Multiplier Equations:
  2. Find characteristic polynomial and eigenvalues:

  3. Classify Q: positive
  4. Find Eigenvectors:
  5. Use and plug and into to get it in terms of and

    Even faster:

Integration Over General Regions

The mindset behind this...

Let (any 2D region) and be a rectangle that encloses

Where is the characteristic equation for It "turns on" when we are inside and "turns off" when we are outside of .

Fubini/Iterated Integrals

Let be a rectangle bounded by


A more sinister example

Integrate over the region bounded by , .

A Just-Plain-Evil Example

bounded by and

Another Example

Evaluate the integral of bounded by , , and