MATH 152 Chapter 10.4

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Other Tests for Convergence

What if not all terms are positive?

Alternating Series Test

Given , which is positive, decreasing, and approaching zero, then the series is convergent.

Alternating Harmonic Series (as compared to regular harmonic series) is convergent:

is positive, decreasing, and approaching zero, so the alternating series is convergent by the Alternating Series Test.

As increases, we pass , the sum of the series in either direction, but get closer to it each time.

Error Test for AST

If is convergent by AST, then:

Example: Approximating Alternating Sums

Find to within 4 decimal places.

, error is less than .0001

Let for our approximation:

Absolutely Convergent

is convergent, then is absolutely convergent. Also, if is absolutely convergent, then is convergent.

Example: is absolutely convergent?
No, , which is divergent
However, is absolutely convergent. (AST + P-Test)

Conditionally Convergent

If a sum converges by Alternating Series Test, but is not Absolutely Convergent, it is conditionally convergent

is conditionally convergent.

Ratio Test

Similar to a geometric series (in that is in the exponent, and is between 0 and 1). Three Outcomes:

  1. If , then is absolutely convergent
  2. If , then is divergent
  3. If , then WE KNOW NOTHING!


Therefore, must be absolutely convergent by the ratio test, and therefore by test for divergence.

Guidelines for Testing

Chapter 10 Review (mixed problems; practice applying tests

(See Series Tests→)

If ... then try ...
does not approach zero Test for Divergence
has factorials or exponentials Ratio Test
alternates signs; has Alternating Series Test, then test for absolute convergence.
involves fractions with powers of , like , , , etc. Limit Comparison Test or Straight Comparison.
comes from a decreasing, easy-to-integrate function Integral Test