MATH 152 Chapter 10.1

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sequence defined as list of numbers (terms) written in a definite order.


When sequence is denoted by formula:

Infinite Sequences

Sequence has the limit :


If the limit exists, then the sequence can be bounded:

bounded above
an ≤ M for all n ≥ 1
all terms are less than the limit
bounded below
an ≥ M for all n ≥ 1
all terms are greater than the limit

Sequences can be increasing or decreasing. If sequence is increasing or decreasing, it is called monotonic.

A sequence is increasing if

A sequence is decreasing if

Every bounded monotonic sequence converges to a certain number:


. Show that is decreasing (for > some ) and bounded below. What is the limit of this sequence and why?

Review: Limit Laws

Example 1

Find the limit of the sequence

Look at :

... That "1" is approaching 1, not equal to 1. We have to take a limit using L'Hospital's rule:

Example 2

Find the limit of the sequence with mathematical justification:

Definition of factorial (!) operator

Let's look at an analogous function:

We can squeeze this function between 0 and :

Therefore, if by squeeze theorem,

Proof By Induction

Given a statement about positive integers ()

  • If statement is true for
  • If statement is true for (given it is true for )
  • Then statement is true for all positive integers (like a domino effect; the first domino pushes down the second, and so on...

Recursively Defined Functions

Given and :

  1. Show is increasing and for all
  2. Find

Solve 1 by induction

Show that (; true)

Induction hypothesis: assume :

Show that (; true)

Induction hypothesis: assume

Solve 2 by induction

So is convergent by the Monotonic Sequence Theorem. We'll call the limit : , so (same sequence; converges to same )

So as ,