MARB 403 Table 3

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Summary of social organization and genealogy of resident (and potentially transient) killer whales in the study area. No dispersal occurred at any level of organization.
Unit Composition Definition Genealogy
Matrilineal (intra-pod) group 2–9 (μ = 3.6) individuals of mixed age and sex Group of individuals that always travel together in close proximity to one another. The groups are matrifocal. Matriline of 1–4 (μ = 2.7) generations.
Subpod 1–11 (μ = 1.9) matrilineal groups Matrilineal group(s) that almost always (> 95% of the time) travel with one another. Closely related matrilines; matrilines within subpods are more closely related to one another (e.g. share a common mother) than to matrilines in other subpods and matrilines within pods are more closely related to one another than to matrilines in other pods.
Pod 1–3 (μ = 1.7) subpods Subpod(s) that travel with one another the majority of the time. Dialects are pod-specific.
Clan 2–10 (μ = 4.8) pods An acoustic grouping of pods that share one or more discrete calls. Most pods exhibit little preference for traveling with other pods within their clan. Not a social group. Pods that share a common distant ancestor. Pods within clans with very similar dialects and which tend to travel together are likely most closely related whereas those with dissimilar dialects are most distantly related.
Community 1–3 (μ = 2.0) clans Pods that associate with one another. Closed populations.