HTS PT1 Beloved Sonship
- Receptive love is foundational to identity, spirituality, and ministry
- Before a priest can be a spiritual father, he must learn what it means to be a spiritual son (identity)
- Called and then sent
- Disciple and then apostle
- Separation from this identity causes "workoholism" and burnout
- Before a priest can be a spiritual father, he must learn what it means to be a spiritual son (identity)
We're all sinners, but the Father doesn't see us that way.
We are not the sum of our weaknesses . . . but the sum of the Father's love.Pope St. John Paul II
We are
- Beloved sons
- Saints in the making
This starts at our baptism
- "Your baby has to die ... to rise to new life in Christ"
- From "Trinitarian Creature" to "Adopted Son"
Receptive Love
- Men are wired to provide, fix, do stuff; not very good at receiving love.
- God has first loved us, and we can't give what we don't have.
- Do you let God love you?
- Everything we do is (should be) a response to what God has done for us: his love should "overflow" in us into our response(s)
The Parable of the Prodigal Son
- Neither son has it right: neither can properly receive the Father's love.
- Younger gives up and indulges in sin rebelliously
- Older son tries to earn it through moral perfectionism, self-righteousness, and keeping busy
- Many priests suffer the "Older son syndrome"
- Issue not so much with jealousy at younger son, but with himself
- Father says "You are with me always. Everything I have is yours," i.e., everything has already been given to him; he just hasn't accepted it.
- Jesus says to his disciples, "All that the Father has, he has given me"
- No "right" way to pray... plenty of wrong ways, though
- God calls us all differently, it's natural to expect to respond differently
- "In the wounded heart of the Son"
- Philosophy speaks of intellect and will to know and choose good, correspondingly, but where is the heart?
- Anthropologically, the Bible says the Heart is the center of the person in which is found intellect, will, memory, affect, emotion
- Thus the "Heart of God" is the source from which and target into which God pours his love
- Jesus' heart was wounded by our sins manifested in the lance that pierced his side
- And now we rest/remain in the love of his wounded heart
- As the Father has loved me, so I love you; remain in my love (Jn 15:9)
- "Jesus, meek and humble of heart, make my heart more like yours"
- And now we rest/remain in the love of his wounded heart
- Spiritual perfectionism is never productive
- We're meant to be receivers, not doers; God does all the doing
The Vessel of Mercy by Pope Francis
- God's love is passionate desire
- Imagery of marriage all over the place in scripture (e.g., Is 62)
- God's love is eros ("erotic") and agape (self-sacrificial)
- We tend to think God loves in the latter sense alone, but Pope Benedict invites us to pause on the former
- OT describes unfaithfulness as prostitution
- Both types of love revealed on the Cross
- agape is obviously apparent
- erose revealed in his thirst for our love: "I thirst", (La. sitio)
- God goes to any length of agape to procure union with us (eros)... even to the cross
- Rejection of this love is what breaks/wounds his heart
- the word used in Hosea 11:8 (הָפַךְ; hâp̱aḵ; h2015) is the same one used in reference to Sodom and Gomorrah: expresses total collapse
The Sacred Heart of Jesus
- We seek a human heart to which we can relate
- at the same time, we seek an all-powerful heart that can draw us out of our fallen state
- Both of the above are satisfied in the Sacred Heart of Jesus
- Our goal should be to make his heart our very own:
O Sacred Heart of Jesus, I choose you as my only refuge. Be to me strength in conflict, the support of my weakness, a light and a guide in the darkness of this life, and finally atonement for all my faults and the sanctification of of my desires and actions. I unite mine with yours and offer them to you, in order that you may come to me to unite me to yourself. Amen.St. Margret Mary
not pusillanimity, but a child-like trust
- If we do not possess child-like trust and faith, we fall into the trap of the world:
- we seek importance, bigness, etc.
- we start comparing ourselves with others: the direct work of Satan.
- Spiritual "abandonment"
- Not despair, but realizing that the ultimate plan is out of our hands
- We are only instruments in God's design
- Five loaves and two fish
- "Grace makes of all our littleness the communion that satisfies the People" (Pope Benedict XVI)
- "God says, 'I can do whatever I want with them'" (Fr. Swift)
Beloved sonship leads to service and pastoral charity.
Saturday 2019-10-26 formation workshop
- All of us carry psychological wounds:
- foremost core wound is from original sin
- events from childhood: nobody's parents are perfect, and even the smallest event could have a wounding effect on a boy's life.
- Father has largest wounding effect on boy
- boy needs to hear affirmation and spend time with father
- father can be absent, emotionally/verbally/physically abusive, etc.
- wounds prevent us from receiving God's love
- they might manifest themselves in strange ways in a boy's future as he continues to mature
- Coping mechanisms to deal with life's hardships that last beyond what they should
- "false scripts" that play in our subconscious self by which we continue to live
- "pain storage" lasts forever in the brain
- shame vs guilt:
- guilt relates to "I did something bad"
- shame relates to "I am something bad"
Look on handout for:
- rejection
- shame
- confusion
- powerlessness
Being Fathered
- Jesus' human nature was fulfilled in his beloved sonship with the Father.
- Our fulfillment should have been initiated through our earthly Father
- but this unfortunately seldom happens
- as a result, we become psychologically wounded
- and therefore in need of healing
Just as we received our name from our earthly father, we need to "receive our name" from our heavenly Father
- knowledge
ofvs about something - Happens through process of initiation
Whoever has ears ought to hear what the Spirit says to the churches. To the victor I shall give some of the hidden manna; I shall also give a white amulet upon which is inscribed a new name, which no one knows except the one who receives it. Rev 2:17
- The hidden manna: this is the food of life; cf. Ps 78:24-25.
- White amulet: literally, "white stone," on which was written a magical name, whose power could be tapped by one who knew the secret name. It is used here as a symbol of victory and joy; cf. Rev 3:4-5.
- New name: this is a reference to the Christian’s rebirth in Christ; cf. Rev 3:12; Rev 19:12; Is 62:2; Is 65:15.
God is leading us on a journey
- in order to start, we have to leave a lot behind
- When things gets tough, we start asking questions
- We want to ask "why?", but we should ask "what?" → "What are you trying to show me?" "What do you want me to let go of?"
- We have tragedies in life, but we have an even more tragic way of handling them
- Any wound that is ignored or denied cannot be healed.
- healing begins with being able to "weep" about the wound
- God has a way of "poking us where it hurts"
- We must let go of our (false) psyche in order to save our true self (Mt 16:24-26)
Common Themes/Steps
- Surrender completely to God
- ask God what he thinks of us
- stick with this question until you get an answer
- something like "A good man with a good heart"
- Invite Jesus into our woundedness
- Grieving: realize we are wounded and that it is not our fault
- Remain in God's love
- Forgiveness: forgive those who have wounded us (esp. ourselves)