File:MATH 414 Filter-Based Wavelet Decomposition.svg/source.tex

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Source Code for File:MATH 414 Filter-Based Wavelet Decomposition.svg


  \begin{tikzpicture}[->,>=stealth,node distance=2cm,box/.style={draw},target/.style={circle,draw}]
    \node (aj) {$a^j$};
    \node (junction) [right of=aj] {};
    \node[box] (h) [above right of=junction] {$h$};
    \node[box] (l) [below right of=junction] {$\ell$};
    \node (haj) [right of=h] {$h*a_j$};
    \node (laj) [right of=l] {$l*a_j$};
    \node[box] (down1) [right of=haj] {$2\downarrow$};
    \node[box] (down2) [right of=laj] {$2\downarrow$};
    \node (downhaj) [right of=down1] {$D(h*a_j)$};
    \node (downlaj) [right of=down2] {$D(\ell*a_j)$};
    \node[target] (aj1) [right of=downhaj] {$a^{j-1}$};
    \node[target] (bj1) [right of=downlaj] {$b^{j-1}$};
    \node (decompLabel) [right of=junction] {DECOMPOSITION};

    \node[box] (up1) [right of=aj1] {$2\uparrow$};
    \node[box] (up2) [right of=bj1] {$2\uparrow$};
    \node (upaj1) [right of=up1] {$Ua^{j-1}$};
    \node (upbj1) [right of=up2] {$Ub^{j-1}$};
    \node[box] (tl) [right of=upaj1] {$\tilde{\ell}$};
    \node[box] (th) [right of=upbj1] {$\tilde{h}$};
    \node (thupbj1) [right of=th] {$\tilde{h}*Ub^{j-1}$};
    \node (tlupaj1) [right of=tl] {$\tilde{\ell}*Ua^{j-1}$};
    \node (addjunction) [below right of=tlupaj1] {$+$};
    \node (ajagain) [right of=addjunction] {$a^j$};
    \node (reconstLabel) [left of=addjunction] {RECONSTRUCTION};

    \draw [-] (aj) -- (junction);
    \draw (junction) |- (h);
    \draw (junction) |- (l);
    \draw (h) -- (haj);
    \draw (l) -- (laj);
    \draw (haj) -- (down1);
    \draw (laj) -- (down2);
    \draw (down1) -- (downhaj);
    \draw (down2) -- (downlaj);
    \draw (downhaj) -- (aj1);
    \draw (downlaj) -- (bj1);

    \draw (aj1) -- (up1);
    \draw (bj1) -- (up2);
    \draw (up1) -- (upaj1);
    \draw (up2) -- (upbj1);
    \draw (upaj1) -- (tl);
    \draw (upbj1) -- (th);
    \draw (tl) -- (tlupaj1);
    \draw (th) -- (thupbj1);
    \draw (tlupaj1) -| (addjunction);
    \draw (thupbj1) -| (addjunction);
    \draw (addjunction) -- (ajagain);


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