CSCE 482 Lecture 2

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Engineering Design

  • devising a system, component or process to meet desired needs
  • Decision-making process to convert resources optimally to a stated objective
  • methodical approach to solving a particular class of large, complex problems.


Small group of people with complementary skills who are equally committed to:

  • common purpose
  • performance objectives
  • working approach

for which they hold themselves mutually accountable.

Heilmeier's Catechism

  1. What is the problem? Why is it hard?
  2. How is it solved today?
  3. What is the new technical idea; why can we succeed now?
  4. What is the impact if successful?
  5. How will the program be organized?
  6. how will intermediate results be generated? (checkpoints)
  7. How will you measure progress?
  8. What will it cost?

Science vs. Engineering

Science is discovery of things that have long existed.

Engineering is the art of making things that did not previously exist.

Nine Step Model of Design Process

  1. Recognize need
  2. Define problem
  3. Plan project
  4. Gather information
  5. Conceptualize alternatives
  6. Evaluate alternatives
  7. Select preferred alternative
  8. Communicate the design
  9. Implement preferred design.

Gradual narrowing of designs with punctual moments of brainstorming (to increase possible alternatives)