CSCE 482 C Sharp Notes
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This page is meant to be a cheat-sheet for my experience with the C# Programming Language.
Hello, World!
using System;
namespace HelloWorld
class HelloWorldProgram
static void Main(string[] args)
Console.WriteLine("Hello, World!");
using System;
namespace MyExampleNamespace
public class Customer : IDisposable
private string _customerName;
public string CustomerName
return _customerName;
_customerName = value;
_lastUpdated = DateTime.Now;
private DateTime _lastUpdated;
public DateTime LastUpdated
return _lastUpdated;
private set
_lastUpdated = value;
public void UpdateCustomer(string newName)
if (!newName.Equals(CustomerName))
CustomerName = newName;
public void Dispose()
//Do nothing
C#'s using
keyword is similar to Java's import
, but it operates one level above. That is, using
a namespace exposes all declarations in that namespace to the global scope of the current source file.
For example, "using System;
" in C# is equivalent to "import System.*;
" in Java.
- Namespaces
- upper CamelCased:
namespace MyAwesomeNamespaceName
- Classes
- upper CamelCased:
class MyAwesomeClass
- Interfaces
- Upper CamelCased, prefixed with "
":interface IMyAwesomeInterface
- Functions
- Upper CamelCased:
void DoSomethingAwesome()
- Event handlers use underscores to separate the bound object name and the event name:
. - Instance Variables
- public and properties are Upper CamelCased:
public int MyAwesomePublicMember
- private and protected are prefixed with underscore and lower camelCased:
private int _myAwesomePrivateMember
- Local Variables and Function Parameters
- lower camelCased:
int myAwesomeVariable
- UI Components
- Hungarian naming convention based on widget type:
Button btnMyAwesomeButton
Similar to @property
in Objective-C in that it automatically defines getters and setters for the
interface IShape
double X { get; set; }
double Y { get; set; }
void Draw();
class Square : IShape
private double _mX, _mY;
public void Draw() { ... }
public double X
set { _mX = value; }
get { return _mX; }
public double Y
set { _mY = value; }
get { return _mY; }
Apparently C# overloads the +=
operator for event binding.
// or something like that...
class EventProvider
public event Event;
class Application
public static void Main(string[] args)
EventProvider ep = new EventProvider();
ep.Event += ep_DoSomething;
public static void ep_DoSomething()
Console.PrintLine("Event callback!");
What's more, as syntactically sweet this style of event handling is, it is now considered harmful