CSCE 465 Lecture 5
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Buffer Overflow
Program Security:
- BO Basics
- "Stack smashing"
- Other vulnerabilities
- BO Defense
What is a buffer overflow?
- occurs when a program writes data outside the bounds of allocated memory.
- can be exploited to overwrite values in memory to the advantage of the attacker.
- First widely seen in the first computer worm: Morris Worm (1988; 6000 machines affected)
- Still the most common source of security vulnerability
- SANS institute reports that 14/20 top vulnerabilities in 2006 were buffer overflow related
- Also behind some of the most devastating worms and viruses in recent history:
- Zotob
- Sasser
- CodeRed
- Blaster
- SQL Slammer
- Conficker
- Stuxnet
- goal
- subvert the function of a privileged program so that the attacker can take control of that program, and if the program is sufficiently privileged, thence control the host
- involvement
- Ensure malicious code is present in program address space (by injection or use what's already there)
- Transfer execution to that code.
Code Injection
- Provide a string as input to the program, which the program stores in a buffer.
- The string contains native CPU instructions for the platform being attacked.
- Works with buffers stored anywhere
Existing Code
- Code of interest already in part of program
- Attacker just needs to call it with desired arguments before jumping to it
- e.g. Aquire a shell, but code already in some library contains a call to exec(char *arg); attacker needs to pass a pointer to the string "/bin/sh" and jump to the exec call.
Jumping to attacker code:
- activation records
- stores return address of function.
- Attacker modifies this pointer to point to his code (called stack smashing)
- function pointers
- similar idea to modifying activation records, but seeks to modify an arbitrary function pointer.
- longjump buffers
- attacker modifies buffer with malicious code.
- buffer
- data storage area inside computer memory (stack, heap, etc)
- intended to hold a pre-defined amount of data (if more is stuffed into it, it spills into adjacent memory)
- if executable code is supplied as "data", victim's computer may be fooled into executing it—we'll see how
- code will self-propagate or give attacker control over machine
- first generation exploits
- stack smashing
- second generation
- heaps, function pointers, off-by-one
- third generation
- format strings and heap management structures.
Stack Smashing
Additional information available in class handout [1]
Process memory is divided into three sections: Text, data, and exectuion stack
- Initialized and unititialized data
- Static variables
- Global variables
Top of memory 0xFFFFFFFF | Text/code section (.text) |
| |
Data section (.data or .bss) | |
Stack section | |
implementing procedure abstraction | |
Environment/Argument section | |
Bottom of memory 0x00000000 |
What happens when memory outside buffer is accesed?
Stack Frame
- Usually grows toward lower memory addresses
- Composed of frames
- Stack pointer points to the top of the stack (usually the last valid address)
Parameters |
Return address |
Stack Frame Pointer (saved from %esp |
Local variables |
Current stack pointer (SP) %esp |
↓ stack growth ↓ |
Suppose a web server contains this function
void func(char *str) {
char buf[126]; // allocate local buffer (126 bytes reserved on stack)
strcpy(buf, str); // copy argument into local buffer
when this function is invoked, a new frame with local variables is pushed onto the stack
before strcpy | after strcpy |
top of stack | top of stack |
frame of calling function | frame of calling function |
arguments (str) | arguments (str) |
return address | overflow (uh oh!) this will be interpreted as the return address! |
previous frame pointer | |
buf | buf |
Suppose buffer contains attacker-created string. suppose *str contains a string received from the network as input to some network service daemon.
Shell code to execute:
void main() {
char *name[2];
name[0] = "/bin/sh";
name[1] = NULL;
execve(name[0], name, NULL);
Attack procedure
- Compile attack code
- extract binary for piece that actually dooes the work (shell code)
- insert compiled code into buffer
- figure out where overflow code should jump
- place that address in the buffer at the proper location so the normal return address gets overwritten
Overflow pontion of the buffer must contain the correct address of attack code in the return position. How do you get that?
- Otherwise application will crash with segmentation violation
- Attacker must correctly "guess" where it is.
- Not very difficult to do this.
Stack address of a program can be obtained by using the function:
unsigned long get_sp(void) {
__asm__("movl %esp, %eax");
- Guess the offset of the buffer with respect to the stack pointer.
- Use a series of NOPs at the beginning of the overflowing buffer so that the jump does not need to be exactly precise (called a NOP sled)