CSCE 441 Lecture 26

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A non-real-time rendering method.

Allows for indirect illumination from reflected surfaces.

  • Soft shadows
  • Color bleeding

Assume perfectly diffuse surfaces (no specular highlights)

Not view-dependent; the camera can walk around the scene, and the computed lighting will be correct. Some games would precompute radiosity and then add dynamic lighting.

Rendering Equation

  • is the outgoing radiance from surface at in the direction of .
  • is the emitted radiance from surface at in the direction of . This will be 0 for most surfaces (only light sources emit light)
  • is the BRDF of surface at . governs material properties of our surface
  • is a ray cast from in the direction of
    ( computes how much contribution is made from light reflected from other surfaces)
  • is the angle between and
  • is the integral about the hemisphere centered at .

Bidirectional Reflectance Distribution Function

(See wikipedia:Bidirectional reflectance distribution function→)

If light comes in from direction , how much light is scattered in the direction of . There are two parameters goverining the direction of and , so is a four-dimensional function.

Governs all material properties and allows for all types of matte, glossy, etc. surfaces.

Discretizing the Rendering Equation

Assume perfectly diffuse surfaces, so is constant:

Break surfaces up into patches and assume color is constant per patch. The value from each patch will be summed to approximate the integral.

is 1 if patch is visible to patch along and 0 otherwise.

Geometric computation of form factors

Project other polygons in the scene onto the hemisphere about point . This represents the contribution of those polygons to this point's radiosity.

We can integrate over the angular coordinates at which the projections lie on the hemisphere:

is this form factor term.

We can set up a large matrix of systems of equations


  • Global illumination methed: modeling diffuse inter-reflection
  • Color Bleeding: red wall next to white wall casts reddish glow on white wall
  • Soft shadows: area light source casts a soft shadow from a polygon
  • No ambient hack
  • View-independent: assigns a brightness to every surface. Not actually an advantage, but a side effect of the assumption that all surfaces are perfectly diffuse.


  • Assumption that BRDF is uniform in all directions
  • Radiocity is piecewise constant
  • No surface is transparent or translucent.
  • Must determine how to subdivide shapes into small enough patches.

Photon Mapping: makes no simplifying assumptions; tries to modify individual photons of light.