CSCE 441 Lecture 24

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Defined by a function; points are not directly defined.

For example, a sphere is defined by the function

Shapes that are easy to define implicitly are:

  • spheres
  • planes
  • cylinders
  • cones
  • tori

These types of shapes are easy for raytracers to handle.


Given a ray that starts at a point and extends to infinity in the direction of , find the intersection of with :

Substitute for in the function and solve for in .

Example: and

The solution to the intersection is , so and .


Given , find the normal at a point

Assume we have a parametric curve on the surface of , we set and differentiate with respect to :

This represents conceptually the dot product between what must be the normal of the surface and the slope of a line on the surface (i.e. must be tangent to the surface)



  • easy to calculate intersections and normals


  • hard to calculate points on the surface



Set , and solve a system of three equations (each of , , and ) for the parameters , , and .

Plug parameters back into equation to find solution.

Example: and


Assume is fixed. Set and differentiate with respect to :

The RHS represents the tangent at

Perform a similar operation with :

The RHS represents the tangent at .

To find the normal, take cross product of tangents:



  • easy to generate points on surface


  • hard to determine if point is inside or outside
  • hard to determine if point is on the surface


Given a surface and a deformation function , is a new surface representing the deformed surface.

This is useful for creating complicated shapes from simple objects.


  1. Assume is a simple matrix (e.g. affine transformation)
  2. First deform by
  3. Calculate intersection with undeformed surface
  4. Transform intersection point and normal by .

Example: deformation of a circle that stretches by factor of two in the direction:


Define how tangents transform first. Assume is a curve on the surface:

Tangents deform by applying transformation (multiply by matrix)

Normals and tangents are orthogonal both before and after transformation.

Let be the normal and be the tangent:


Normals transform by the inverse transpose of the deformation matrix, NOT by the deformation matrix.

(why? normal vectors are covectors, not vectors)



  • simple surfaces can represent complex shapes
  • affine transformations yield simple calculations
  • If we are given , we never have to compute any matrix inverse.
