CSCE 441 Lecture 13

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3D Transformations as Matrices


Mirror Image

Orthogonal Projection

Perspective Projection

Perspective transformations are not Affine!

Rational expressions require modification:

homogeneous coordinates

In affine transformations, our matrix equation was

Now we use

Where and represent the stuff in the denominator of the transformation equation

3D Location is

Note this equation still works for Affine transformations (where we divide by 1)

Hierarchical Animation

Multiple transformations at each joint of a skeleton.

For example, to move a point on the hand, we have to move the wrist (), elbow (), and shoulder ().

In general,

Transformations in OpenGL

4 types:

  • View
  • Model (put things in the scene)
  • Projection (takes 3D objects and projects onto a 2D surface)
  • Viewport


  • glTranslatef(x,y,z)
  • glScalef(x,y,z)
  • glRotatef(theta, vx, vy, vz)
  • glLoadIdentity(void): replaces current matrix with identity matrix (i.e. removes current transformations)
  • glPushMatrix(void) and glPopMatrix(void): copies current matrix to new context and removes current matrix (respectively)

Order matters!

  • glTranslatef(0,1,3) = M[1]
  • glRotatef(45,0,1,0) = M[2]
  • glScalef(1,1,2) = M[3]

OpenGL combines model and view matrix:

  1. push matrix
  2. specify viewer using inverse of view transformation (negative translation/rotation and in opposite order):
  3. push matrix
  4. position objects with transformations in opposite order of what you would expect
  5. pop matrix
  6. repeat last 3 steps for each object in scene
  7. pop matrix

Special Matrix Commands

  • glMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW) and glMatrixMode(GL_PROJECTION)
  • gluLookAt(ex,ey,ez, cx,cy,cz, ux,uy,uz): set position of eye, direction of thing to look at, and the "up direction"
  • gluPerspective(fov, aspect, near, far)
  • glOrtho(left, right, bottom, top, near far) specify orthogonal projection
  • glViewport(x,y,w,h)