CSCE 441 Lecture 11

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Condensation Sets

where is a condensation set, a "starting set" that is common to all levels of rendering.

  1. Apply transformations
  2. Add in condensation set

Cannot be rendered by fractal tennis; only a depth-first traversal with the condensation set added at the end of each iteration

Fractal Dimension

  • A line is a fractal like a Serpinski triangle with only two points(scale about 0.5 at each endpoint).
  • A square can similarly be constructed with 4 transformations
  • The Koch curve has dimensionality
  • The Dragon curve has dimensionality

Fractal curves can have infinite length, but enclose a finite area:

  • The Koch curve has length at the -th iteration. The length approaches as .
  • The enclosed area is at the -th iteration. This is a geometric series, and its limit is