CSCE 434 Lecture 13
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Top-Down Parsing
- At node , select production with on LHS and for each symbol in RHS, construct appropriate child.
- When terminal is added to fringe that doesn't fit the input string, backtrack
- Find next nonterminal node to be expanded
How to select right production rule in step 1? → should be guided by input string
Suppose we choose to expand <expr> ::= <expr> + <term> every time:
- <expr>
- <expr> + <term>
- <expr> + <term> + <term>
- <expr> + <term> + <term> + <term>
- …
Cannot handle left-recursion
Left Factoring
Input: Non-terminals in some order (impose any arbitrary order)
for i from 1 to n for j from 1 to i-1 replace each production of the form Ai ::= Aj γ with the productions Ai ::= δ1 γ | δ2 γ | ... | δk γ where all current Aj productions are Aj ::= δ1 | δ2 | ... | δk eliminate any immediate left recursion on Ai using the direct transformation
This assumes that the grammar has no cycles () or ε productions ()
The outer loop cycles through nonterminals in order, and the inner loop ensures that a production expanding has no non-terminal with (forward-substituted away).
Any new nonterminals are added to the end of the order and only involve right recursion
Invariant: for all , there does not exist a production expanding that has in its RHS for .
Predictive Parsing
If we have one token lookahead, we can determine the step to take based only on the prefix and the next token:
Left factoring algorithm:
For each non-terminal A, find the longest prefix common to two or more of its alternatives...
Can we determine whether an equivalent grammar exists that is not left-recursive and can be predictively parsed? No. Undecidable.
Looks up rules in a parsing table (encoding of automata states and rules); stack for holding states.
Both of the following lookahead grammars are predictive
- LL(1): Left to right; leftmost derivation; lookahead 1
- LR(1): Left to right; reverse rightmost derivation; lookahead 1