CSCE 431 Lecture 20
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Late from Dr. Jones' Discussion
System and Scripting Languages
Typeless Scripting
Self-modifying code.
variables are containers (usually string-oriented for uniform representation)
Allows code reuse
- e.g. UNIX filters read/write byte streams
- Find errors at compile time
- Permits optimizations
- Makes code-reuse difficult
- Might have to do type conversion (e.g. integer vs. floating point division)
- Might have to recompile, but may not have source
Tcl Example
button .b -text Hello! -font {Times 166} -command {puts Hello}
- "Hello!" in 16-pt Times on button
- Prints "hello" when clicked
6 things in one statement:
- command name (button)
- button control (.b)
- property names (-text, -font, -command)
- strings (Hello!, hello)
- Font name (Times 16)
- Tcl script (puts hello)
Everything represented as strings
In Java
7 lines in 2 methods
In C++/MFC
Takes 25 lines in 3 procedures
Just to create a Font:
CFont *fontPtr = new CFont();
fontPtr->CreateFont(/* 14 parameters */)
Error Checking
Strong typing helps to find errors
Efficiency No need for run-time checks
Scripting languages check values when used
- (e.g. cannot have font size
) - Must pay cost at runtime
- Must thoroughly test code to find errors.
Most scripting languages are "interpreted"
- "compiled on the fly"
- "quickly compile and then execute"
Speeds up development loop
Flexibility for users to program apps at runtime (e.g. Tcl interface extension language on Synopsys Design Compiler)
Scripting Languages are less efficient:
- Rely on interpretation rather than compilation
- Run-time "type" checking
- Power and ease-of-use rather than running on "bare metal" of processor.
- scripting: variable length string vs. System: binary value in machine word
- scripting: hash table vs. System: indexed array
Efficiency is usually not an issue (esp. in smaller scripted apps). More time is spent in components, not scripting.
Higher Level Programming
Scripting statements execute 100s to 1000s of machine instructions
In contrast, system programming language statements execute about 5 machine instructions.
For example:
- Perl regular expression substitution is as easy as integer addition
- Tcl variable trace triggers updates when variable is set
Scripting is thus 5–10 times more productive.
System Programming Language Benefits
Scripting is useful for gluing, system integration, extension languages, and portablity.
System Programming Languages are best for complex data structures and algorithms where performance matters.
Most systems provide both
- Job Control Language
- Jobs ran in FORTRAN, PL/1, Algol, COBOL, Assembler
- Shell: sh / tch
- C
- Windows
- Visual Basic
- Visual C++
Why Scripting's Popularity?
Better scripting technology
- Garbage collection
- Faster machines
- advanced language features
Casual programmers:
- quickly learn language
- "whip up" solution script for few-times use
- e.g. DB queries in spreadsheet.
- Speed of development and use, not execution