CSCE 420 Lecture 6

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A* Search

A* uses heuristic to "estimate the distance to the goal" / "closeness to being solved"

  • Sort frontier on , the "estimated total path length"
  • Optimal if is admissible (never overestimates the true distance to the goal)
  • Efficiency depends on accuracy of : worst-case , best-case .

Proof of Optimality

f(G2) < f(G) since G2 is suboptimal

f(G2) > g(G2) from above
h(n) <= h*(n) since h is admissible
g(n) + h(n) <= g(n) + h*(n)
f(n) <= f(G)

f(n) = g(n) + h(n)
f(n) <= f(G) since h is admissible
f(G) = g(G) + \cancel{h(G)}
f(G) <= f(G2)

Efficiency Analysis

Err from root to goal

Time complexity of A* (in certain cases) is

For most heuristics, grows with path length

A* is sub-exponential if


  • Navigation: straight-line distance
  • Rubik's Cube: "closer to being solved" (number of 8 face cubes that match color of center cube) ?
  • Tile Puzzle:
    • number of tiles in incorrect position
    • weight tiles by manhattan distance out of place (example of "relaxed constraints")
    • quadrants
    • swaps
    • look by rows and columns
  • Block-Stacking
    • blocks out of place
    • sum of whether block b is on x, where on(b,x) is in goal.
    • number of base blocks not on table

Designing a good heuristic:

  1. try to relax constraints
  2. extract features (having tiles in increasing order in a row; perhaps a weighted linear combination)
  3. look for patterns
  4. learning

Local Search

Skip section 3.5.3 in textbook

Rather than finding a goal with least path cost, try to maximize a score associated with each state (quality, objective function)

Discrete optizmization

  • optimizing numeric function (gradient descent)
  • optimizing linear equations (linear programming)


def hill_climb(init, &oper, &score)
  current = init
  loop do
    children = oper(current)
    return current if children.all{|c| score(c) <= score(current)}
    current = children.max_by &score

Four Queens

Goal: for queens, a boards in which no queen can attack the other

Start with all queens on a row, incrementally move queens to minimize the number of queens being attacked