CSCE 420 Lecture 25
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Situation Calculus
similar to event calculus in that it encodes something that changes in the world
Has to do with actions and their effects.
Knowledge-Based Agents:
Suppose we have block-world problem:
[B][A] [C] Claw: empty
Next state:
[B] [C] Claw: [A]
Next state:
[B] [C][A] Claw:
Encoding in FOL:
Initial State: on(A,B) on(B,table) on(C,table) clear(A) clear(C) claw_empty Goal: holding(A) Later State: Goal: on(A,C)
Using Situation Calculus
- add situation argument to each predicate: on(A,B,S0), on(B,table,S0), etc.
- Use result function to denote successor states with "anonymous name" (instead of arbitrary numbers): S1 = result(pickup(A,B), S0)
pre-conditions | effects | |
pickup(X,Y) | claw_empty, on(X,Y), clear(X) | ¬claw_empty, holding(X), clear(Y) |
puton(X,Y) | holding(X), clear(Y) | on(X,Y), claw_empty, ¬clear(Y), clear(X) |
Situation Calculus Axioms (add to KB above):
Template: ∀s,… preconditions hold in s → effects hold in successor state
pickup(x,y): ∀s,x,y claw_empty(s) ∧ on(x,y,s) ∧ clear(x,s) → ¬claw_empty(result(pickup(x,y), s)) ∧ holding(x,result(pickup(x,y), s)) ∧ clear(y, result(pickup(x,y), s))
puton(x,y): ∀s,x,y holding(x,s) ∧ clear(y,s) → on(x,y, result(puton(x,y), s)) ∧ claw_empty(result(puton(x,y),s)) ∧ ¬clear(y, result(puton(x,y), s)) ∧ clear(x, result(puton(x,y), s))
Now we can query the KB:
- , where is a variable representing some state.
To prove, we use back-chaining:
- holding(A, Γ) unifies with consequent of axiom for pickup: θ = { x/A, Γ/result(pickup(A,y), s) }
- pop goal and push antecedents with substituted/unified vars: clear(A,s), claw_empty(s), on(A, y, s) (s and y are still unbound variables)
- unify on(A,y,s) with fact on(A,B,S0) and remove from goal stack: θ += { y/B, s/S0 }
- Substitute new unified variables on goal stack: clear(A, S0), claw_empty(S0)
- All remaining goals are facts.
The binding for is now result(pickup(A,B), S0)
We could to a similar proof to show that Γ/result(puton(A,C), result(pickup(A,B), S0)) is unification for the third state in our blocks-world example above:
- goal stack initially on(A,C,Γ)
- pop-unify-push with puton axiom:
- unification: θ = { x1/A, y1/C, Γ/result(puton(A,C), β }
- goal stack: holding(A,β), clear(C,β)
- pop-unify-push with pickup axiom:
- unification diff: θ += { x2/A, β/result(pickup(A,y2), γ) }
- goal stack: claw_empty(γ), clear(A,γ), on(A,y2,γ), clear(C,β)
- pop-unify-push with facts claw_empty(S0), clear(A, S0), and on(A, B, S0)
- unification diff: θ += { γ/S0, y2/B }
- goal stack: clear(C,β) = clear(C, result(pickup(A,B), S0))
- pop-unify-push with frame axiom
- empty goal stack ∴ Q.E.D
Frame Problem
How do we prove that C remains clear after we perform an action on the initial state?
Have to encode everything that doesn't change in every axiom:
pickup(x,y): ∀s,x,y claw_empty(s) ∧ on(x,y,s) ∧ clear(x,s) → ¬claw_empty(result(pickup(x,y), s)) ∧ holding(x,result(pickup(x,y), s)) ∧ clear(y, result(pickup(x,y), s)) ∧ ∀z (z ≠ x ∧ clear(z,s) → clear(z, result(pickup(x,y), s)))
Alternatively, we could write possibility axioms, effects axioms, and frame axioms:
- possibility
- ∀s,x,y clear(x,s) ∧ claw_empty(s) ∧ on(x,y,s) → possible(pickup(x,y), s)
- effects
- ∀s,x,y possible(pickup(x,y), s) → holding(x,result(pickup(x,y), s))
- frame
- ∀s,x,y,z possible(pickup(x,y), s) ∧ z ≠ x ∧ clear(z, s) → clear(z, result(pickup(x,y), s))
This requires Actions × Effects axioms!
The trick for representational frame problem is:
∀s,x,a clear(x, result(a,s)) ↔ (∃y a = pickup(y,x,s)) ∨ (∃y a = puton(x,y,s)) ∨ (clear(x,s) ∧ a ≠ pickup(y,x,s) ∧ a ≠ puton(x,y,s))
"for any other action, if was previously clear, it stays clear."
Fun in Prolog
Prolog Implementation of Situation Calculus named GOLOG.