CSCE 420 Lecture 21
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Defaults and Exceptions: Nonmonotonic Logic
FOL doesn't support exceptions to universally quantified rules
monotonicity: if you add sentences to KB, everything that was previously entailed is still entailed.
Default Logic
J's represent:
- "It is consistent to believe"
- "If not provably false"
- "If is false, then rule is blocked"
- "Unless there is evidence to the contrary"
Bird(x) / Flies(x) → Flies(x) Bird(tweety) Bird(opus) ¬Flies(opus)
"Fixed-point semantics"
- Start with a minimal model
- elaborate and add consequences
KB with exceptions and contradictions is still allowed to be consistent
Usually, we write
∀x bird(x) → flies(x) ∀y dog(y) → barks(x)
But we add "abnormal predicates" that allows for exceptions:
∀x bird(x) ∧ ¬abnormal1(x) → flies(x) ∀y dog(y) ∧ ¬abnormal2(y) → barks(x)
"preferred" models are those that minimize abnormal assumptions:
bird(tweety) bird(opus) ¬flies(opus) dog(fido) dog(snoopy) ¬barks(snoopy) m1: abnormal1(tweety) abnormal1(opus) abnormal2(fido) abnormal2(snoopy) m2: abnormal1(opus) abnormal2(snoopy) flies(tweety) barks(fido)
m2 has the fewest abnormal assumptions
Truth-Maintenance Systems
- Assert and retract information (facts, observations, perceptions)
- Keep track of dependencies
- Graph structure: map facts to derived inferences (similar to a proof tree)
- When a fact changes, consequences are propagated (belief updating, theory revision)
Semantic Networks
Visual (graph) representation of knowledge:
Mary is John's sister (Figure 1)
- a
- b
- Mary
- John
- female persons
- male persons
- person
- (a, Mary, name)
- (b, John, name)
- (a, b, sister)
- (a, female persons, member)
- (b, male persons, member)
- (female persons, person, subset)
- (male persons, person, subset)
How to represent three-argument predicates (Figure 2)?
gives(John, Mary, present):
- added nodes: c, presents
- added edges: (c, presents, member)
- event node: giving event
- receiver: a
- giver: b
- object: c
Semantic Networks handle defaults by inheritance, and handle exceptions by a "procedural lookup mechanism"
How many legs does Mary have? (Figure 3)
- find Mary
- follow (a, Mary, name)
- follow (a, female persons, member)
- follow (female persons, person, subset)
- identify (person, 2, num_legs)
Procedural lookup: suppose John only has one leg; short-circuit the default lookup operation by defining (b, 1, num_legs) (Figure 4)
Problem: semantic networks don't scale well to real-world applications
Back to Prolog
Cannot directly assert negated facts
Closed-world assumption: everything not explicitly asserted is assumed to be false
took(joe, csce311).
took(julie, csce315).
lower_level(X) :- \+ took(X, 315).
This is enough to prove that Joe did not take CSCE 315
Intervally, Prolog handles Negation as Failure:
- If top goal on stack is a negative literal , then
- Invoke side-call backchaining on , trying to prove it.
- If fails, then original proof can proceed
- Otherwise if succeeds, then original proof must back-track
Example program:
bird(X) :- penguin(X).
flies(X) :- bird(X), \+ penguin(X).