CSCE 411 Lecture 6

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Master Theorem

We assume , , and eventually positive

Note: For case 3, must be regular

Matrix Multiplication

Classic algorithm


for i from 1 to n do:

 for j from 1 to k do:
   for t from 1 to m do:
   end for
 end for

end for


Divide and Conquer

Divide batrices and into four smaller matrices:

  • 8 matrix multiplications on submatrices of and
  • scalar additions

Running Time

  • great, all that work for nothing.

Can we do fewer operations?

Strassen's Matrix

Just calculate 7 products and do a bunch of cheap additions

Integer Multiplication

Elementary school algorithm

Multiplication of 2 -bit numbers takes .

Kolmogrov (at one of his seminars) conjectured that we can't do better, but Karatsuba proved him wrong a week later.

Dividery and Conquery

Split and into two smaller parts: their most significant and least significant parts:

  • , where and are n/2-bit algorithms
  • , where and are n/2-bit algorithms
  • still

What if we multiply ? Just correct the terms:

This has only 3 multiplications, so

Summary of Dividery and Conquery

  1. Split into two parts and
  2. Split into two parts and
  3. calculate , , and
  4. shift each of the results by a certain amount and add all of those together