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Shortest Paths
Weighted Graph (no negative weights)
If all weights are same, BFS would give shortest path.
Algorithm makes use of a priority queue
Dijkstra's Single Source Shortest Path Algorithm
- Assume all edge weights are nonnegative
- Similar to Prim's MST algorithm (greedily choose the lightest edge)
- Keep an estimate of the shortest path distance from to
- Use as the key in a priority queue
- When is added to the tree, check each of 's neighbors to see if provides with a cheaper path from : compare to
def dijkstra_sssp graph, source
pq = PriorityQueue.new
graph.each_vertex do |v|
v.distance = Float::INFINITY
pq.insert v.distance, v
source.distance = 0
until pq.empty?
u = pq.extract_min
u.neighbors.each do |v|
if u.distance + graph.weight(u,v) < v.distance
v.distance = u.distance + graph.weight(u,v)
pq.decrease_key(v, v.distance)
v.parent = u
Let be the tree constructed after the th iteration of the while loop:
- The nodes in are not in
- The edges in are indicated by their parent variables
Claim. The pathi n from to is a shortest path and has a distance for all
Proof by induction.
Basis: When , is the only node in and .
Induction: Assume is a correct shortest path tree. We need to show that is a correct shortest path tree as well.
Let be the node added in iteration . Let . We need to show that the path in from to is a shortest path, and has distance .
Let be another path from to . Let be the first edge in that leaves .
If is the part before and is the part after , then
* represents the shortest path, and provides a lower bound for (any path from to ).
Therefore, , and the claim holds by induction on .
Running Time
Basic running time:
- using binary heap
- using Fibonacci heap
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