CSCE 315 Lecture 4
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- Write short summary about what a block of code does
- Include reason if possible
- Comment about something that is used to avoid errors (prevents code deletion
- units for numeric data
- range of allowable values.
- limitations on input data.
Database Systems
Designed to manage very large amounts of data, query that data, and pull out useful information.
- Efficiency
- Reliability
- Ease of access
Create structure (schema), and then populate it with data.
Entity-Relationship Model
- Entities are things
- Entity sets are collections of things
- Attributes are properties of entity sets
- One-to-One
- A team can have One MVP
- Many-to-One
- a town can have many people in it
- Many-to-Many
- Senators can sponsor many bills, and a bill can be sponsored by many senators
Attributes can be added to relationsips and relationships can be multi-way:
- Person born in a hospital in a town (set of hospitals or relationship annotated with hospital name)
Generalizations: A Senator is an (isa) Elected official
Identifying a unique record by a value.
Baseball player identified by Number and Team attributes
Weak key needs help identifying:
- Player plays on a team. Team name on Team entity, number on player.
Avoid redundant data like storing team name on the player when the player is related to a team.
Don't use a separate entity if an attribute will suffice.