CSCE 315 Lecture 17
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Games with Chance
- Minimax trees work well when game is deterministic
- Chance nodes included in tree to evaluate possible chances
For each move, "roll a die" and determine every possible move after each possible result.
Choosing a Maximum
- Evaluate moves from ALL chance nodes
- Find Expected Value for that move
- Choose largest expected value () to store at each chance node
Other approaches
- Maximize worst case value and avoid catastrophe
- Give weight if a very good position is available
- simulation of large range of states
- be competent, not always win
Time explodes to where is branching ratio, is number of chances, and is tree depth.
State Diagrams
List of possible states one can reach in the game (nodes)
Describe ways of moving from one state to another (edges)
Often cyclic and complex, but try to hide those to prevent infinite loops
Exploring State Diagrams
Look for solutions using Breadth-First Search and Depth-First Search.
Iterative deepening search (DFS 1 level deep, then 2 levels (repeat first level), 3 levels, etc.)
Use bidirectional search (start from end and meet halfway; like a maze)
Order nodes based on distance to goal node.
A* Algorithm
Avoid expanding paths that are already expensive:
, where is cost from start to node and is estimate of remaining distance to goal.
should never overestimate the actual cost of the best solution
Apply best-first search with lowest value of ; value of should only increase.