CSCE 314 Lecture 6
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More Haskell!
Defining Functions
conditional code for given arguments (note: otherwise = True in Prelude)
max x y
| x <= y = y
| otherwise = x
Pattern Matching
Syntactic sugar used to assign certain parts of an argument expression into variables or match a literal/constant value:
-- definition of AND operator using literal pattern matching
(^) :: Bool -> Bool -> Bool
True ^ True = True
True ^ False = False
False ^ True = False
False ^ False = False
-- Same function using a variable (also executes faster)
(^) :: Bool -> Bool -> Bool
True ^ b = b
False ^ _ = False
The "_" variable matches anything, but will never be used
The same variable (save for _) can never be used in the same pattern match expression
Patterns can be arbitrarily deep:
-- a list of at least 5 elements
f (a:b:c:d:e:fs) = a:b:c:d:e:[]
-- the second component of the second element in a list of 2-tuples
g (_:(_, x):_)
Even arithmetic expressions (but one of the vars must be a constant)
pred :: Int -> Int
pred 0 = 0
pred (n + 1) = n
Naming subparts of pattern or entire pattern:
dupOrRem whole@(x:tail@(y:_))
| x == y = x:whole
| otherwise = tail
> dupOrRem [1,1]
> dupOrRem [1,2]
Case Expressions
Haskell's version of a switch ... case ... statement:
take m ys = case (m, ys) of
(n, _) | n <= 0 -> []
(_, []) -> []
(n, x:xs) -> x : take (m-1) xs
Lambda Functions
unnamed functions that can be used in-place:
\x -> x + x
\x y -> x >= y || x < 2*y
> map (\x -> x + x) [1,2,3]