CSCE 314 Lecture 37
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Java Virtual Machine
Designed for Java, but has potential to translate from any programming language.
JIT compilation: if a particular piece of code is run several times, JVM might compile it into native code to make it run faster.
Instructions stored in class files as platform-independent bytecode
Very simple stack-based machine: a software abstraction of a computer
Instruction Set
Bytecode is in binary format, so unintelligible to humans. Mnemonics are similar to what assembly does for machine code.
Views memory as an array of bytes:
- Constructing an object: asks for a contiguous set of memory locations
- Accessing a field: jump to bytes at a specific offset
- Call a function: go to that location in memory
JVM does not allow byte-level access.
Sample program
getstatic java/lang/System/out Ljava/io/PrintStream; # load necessary libraries ldc "Hello, World" # push "Hello, World" onto stack invokevirtual java/io/PrintStream/println (Ljava/lang/String;)V # invoke virtual function that takes a reference to a string and return void
Bytecode Forrmat
Operation: mnemonic, operand1, operand2, ...
Forms: mnemonic = opcode
Class File format
Do not have to be stored in files:
- Database
- Network
- JAR file
ClassLoader fetches classes to load
Protects machine by rejecting programs that might subvert JVM security