CSCE 314 Lecture 30

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Basically a subclass is safe to cast to a superclass, but a superclass is not safe to cast into a subclass.

Object[] o = new String[]{"1", "2", "3"};
o[0] = new Integer(1); // throws runtime exception
  • Covariance (C<T> is covariant wrt T if A <: B implies C<A> <: C<B>) is safe when reading elements from array. Java supports this.
  • Contravariance (C<T> is covariant wrt T if A <: B implies C<B> <: C<A>) is safe when writing elements to array, but Java does not support this.
Note: <: means "is a subtype of"


The code below is contravariant on X and covariant on Y:

class Pair<X, Y>
    private X fst;
    private Y snd;

    Pair(X a, Y, b)
        this.fst = a;
        this.snd = b;

    void setFst(X a)
        this.fst = a;

    Y getSnd()
        return this.snd;

// Usage; assume C <: B <: A

void getAndSet(Pair<B,B> p, B b)
    B x = p.getSnd();

getAndSet(Pair<A, C>, new B()); // this is safe
getAndSet(Pair<C, A>, new B()); // this is NOT safe

Annotated *variance

  • + means covariant (disallows writing)
  • − means contravariant (disallows reading)
  • * means invariant (disallows reading and writing)


public abstract class Shape {
    public abstract void drawOn(Canvas c);

public class Circle extends Shape {
    private int x, y, radius;
    public void drawOn(Canvas c) { /* ... */ }

public class Line extends Shape {
    private int x1, y1, x2, y2;
    public void drawOn(Canvas c) { /* ... */ }

public class Canvas {
    public void draw(List<Shape> shapes) {
        for (Shape s : shapes) s.drawOn(this);

list<Line> ll; ...; canvas.draw(ll); // ERROR!

Reannotate Canvas::draw with draw(List<? extends Shape> shapes) to bound from below.

  • <? extends T> bound from below: covariance
  • <? super T> bound from above: contravariance
  • <?> provides no bounds: bivariance