CSCE 313 Lecture 24

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Closed Design: Everything (algorithm and key kept secret)


  1. Key exchanged by private means
  2. Message composed
  3. Message encrypted
  4. Message sent over public channel (attacker cannot read)
  5. Message received and decrypted

Encryption algorithm takes a message and a key, and produces ciphertext

  • Needs to be efficient
  • Most encryption schemes can be broken, but depends on resources
  • Longer key is often more secure ( possible keys where is length)

Breaking Encryption

Depends on what you have

  • Ciphertext: exhaustive search until "recognizable plaintext"
  • Plaintext and Ciphertext: find out what it takes to get from plain to cipher, and vice-versa
  • Algorithm: figure out what the key is

Models of Security

  • Unconditional security: perfect secrecy; impossible to crack
  • Complexity-theoretic security
  • Provable security: breaking algorithm would require solving an unsolved problem
  • Computational security: takes a long long time to break

Types of Cryptography

  • Hash functions: no key
  • Secret key (symmetric): one key used for encryption and decryption
    • crypt command in Linux
    • challenge-response: send r, verify returned encrypted {r}
    • send message integrity code (checksum) with message
  • Public key (asymmetric): two keys (public, private)
    • encryption(public)/decryption(private) or signing(private)/verification(public)