CSCE 222 Lecture 4
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Propositional Logic
(See CSCE 222 Chapter 1.1→)
Proposition: a statement that is either true or false
- EX: Jack is taller than Jill
Prop. Logic describes ways to combine true statements with help of #Connectives to produce other true statements
Connective | Symbol |
negation | ¬ |
and | ∧ |
or | ∨ |
exclusive or | ⊕ |
conditional | → |
biconditional | ↔ |
a | b | ¬ a | a ∧ b | a ∨ b | a ⊕ b | a → b | a ↔ b |
F | F | T | F | F | F | T | T |
F | T | T | F | T | T | T | F |
T | F | F | F | T | T | F | F |
T | T | F | T | T | F | T | T |
Backus Naur Form Derivation rules
Similar to Grammars
<symbol> | ::= | <symbol1> <symbol2> … <symboln> |
single symbol non-terminal |
symbol that resides only on right hand side terminal |
Example: Single digit binary number
can be specified in Backus Naur Form (BNF) by:
- <binary digit> ::= 0
- <binary digit> ::= 1
- <binary digit> ::= 0 | 1
Example: Multi-digit binary number
<binary number> | ::= | <binary number> <binary digit> | <binary digit> |
<binary digit> | ::= | 0 | 1 |
Language of Propositional Logic
((a → b) ↔ (¬a ∨ b))
defined by following grammar:
<formula> | ::= | ¬ <formula> |
| | (<formula> ∧ <formula>) | |
| | (<formula> ∨ <formula>) | |
| | (<formula> ⊕ <formula>) | |
| | (<formula> → <formula>) | |
| | (<formula> ↔ <formula>) | |
| | <symbol> | |
<symbol> | ::= | {a, a0, a1, a2, a3, … zn} |
((a ∧ b) ∨ ¬ c)
- (<formula> ∨ <formula>)
- ((<formula> ∧ <formula>) ∨ ¬ <formula>)
- ((<symbol> ∧ <symbol>) ∨ ¬ <symbol>)
Formation Tree
- valuations
- interpretations
- assigning values to symbols
- degree
- number of connectives in a statement
- tautology
Continued Intro to Ruby
Download from (included by default on many Linux and Mac OS X systems
- Very popular open source interpreted programming language
- Fully object-oriented, but includes concepts from functional programming languages
- dynamically typed (no declarations), flexible, and very expressive.
Interactive ruby interpreter irb
Objects and Classes
(Almost) everything is a class/object in Ruby. Find out which object a class belongs to by typing obj.class
To list available object methods, type obj.methods.sort
Built-in data types
- Integer (1, 2, -1, 10**1000)
- Float (1.2, -3.14)
- Array (a = [1,2,3])
- Range (1..1000)
- String "abc"
- Interpolation "Evaluate in-string: #{1+2} == 3" (not with single quotes)
- Symbol or immutable String (:name)
- Hash {:name => "George", :age => 12}
var | lower case variables are local variables |
@var | instance variables (same scope as self) |
$var | global variables |
class Person
attr_accessor :name, :age
def full_info
return "#{@name} is #{@age} years old"
# Usage:
p = = 'George'
p.age = 12
puts p.full_info # "George is 12 years old"
Enumerable Module
Ruby has for loops and similar constructs, but these methods are more common:
[1,2,3].each { |number| puts 2*number } # print out twice each number for all numbers
[1,2,3].any? { |number| number.even? } # are there any even numbers?
[2,4,6].all? { |number| number.even? } # are ALL even numbers?
[1,2,3].map { |number| number**2 } # returns a created array by squaring each item
[1,2,3].inject(:+) # calculate sum of array (operators can be overloaded)
[1,2,3].inject(:*) # calculate product of array
Extending Existing Classes
class Integer
def factorial # there is no factorial method defined for vector