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Ordered arrangement of elements is called an -permuation.
is the number of -permutations on a set of elements.
An unordered selection of elements is called an -combination (a subset with elements).
is the number of -combinations on a set of elements.
How may 5-card poker hands can be dealt from a deck of 52 cards (notice that order doesn't matter here since one can rearrange the cards in any fashion).
Binomial Theorem
Let and be variables and be a nonnegative integer.
Proof. The terms of the product are of the form (i.e. the two exponents sum to ).
Therefore, if we choose terms from the expanded product above, there are 's. There are ways to select the 's, so the coefficient of is .
Corollary 1
Proof. Substitute into the Binomial Theorem, then
Corollary 2
Proof. .
Pascal's Triangle
For any row of Pascal's Triangle, let and :
Proof. Let be a set with elements. Let be a fixed element . There are subsets of cardinality in . The subsets either do or do not contain . There are subsets of (i.e. subsets of that do not contain ). The number of subsets of that do contain correspond to the subsets of with added. Therefore the proposition holds true.