CSCE 222 Lecture 16

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Partial Orderings

These relations must work for all comparable numbers


Relation R on a set A is called antisymmetric iff and implies that


  • ≤ operator on integers is antisymmetric
  • = operator on integers is antisymmetric

Partial Order

Relation R on S is a partial order iff it is reflexive, antisymmetric, and transitive.


  • ≤ operator on integers is a partial order
  • ⊆ operator on is a partial order


We call two elements and of a partially ordered set comparable iff ab or ba


  • The set contains {1, 2} and {1, 3}, but they are not subsets of each other, so they are incomparable.
  • (a "divides" b implies b mod a = 0) is:
    • reflexive (every number divides itself)
    • transitive (if a is a factor of b and b is a factor of c, then a is a factor of c)
    • antisymmetric (if a divides b and b divides a, then a and b must be equal)
  • is not a partial order since it is not antisymmetric (1 divides −1 and −1 divides 1, but 1 ≠ −1)

Hasse Diagrams

Sample Hasse diagram for partial order

A set of lines connecting all numbers that satisfy a partial order relations:

  • Remove all self/reflexive satisfying loops
  • Any upward-chained connecting lines imply transitivity
  • All edges "point" upward


Let be a partially ordered set.

A number is called maximal iff it is the largest element.

A number is called minimal iff it is the smallest element.


: in a Hasse diagram (see image at right), 12, 20, 25 are maximal elemets; 2, 5 are minimal.