CSCE 222 Lecture 10

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Truth Sets

Let be a predicate with domain .

The set of all elements x in D such that P(x) is true is denoted by:

Set operations

Let be a universal set.

Let , then

Fun with Sets

(Oh boy!)

Suppose that and are finite sets.

How many elements are in their union?

Big O — Redefined

Big O is actually a set of all functions asymptotically less than a given function (read as a subset of O(n)) What is the set  ?


Let and be nonempty sets. A function that maps from to is an assignment of exactly one element of to each element of .


  • is domain (input type)
  • is codomain (output type; superset of range)
  • is range


Injective Functions

Function is one-to-one (A maps uniquely to B)

Surjective Functions

Range of A is B