CSCE 222 Chapter 1.2

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Propositional Equivalences

a compound proposition that is always true, regardless of the truth values of the propositions that occur in it
a compound proposition that is always false (opposite of a tautology)
a compound proposition that is neither a tautology or a contradiction

Logical Equivalence

Propositions are equivalent iff they have identical truth tables

Common Logical Equivalences

Equivalence Name

Identity laws

Domination laws

Idempotent laws
Double negation law

Commutative laws

Associative laws

Distributive laws

De Morgan's laws

Absorption laws

Negation laws

Conditional Equivalences

Biconditional Equivalences

Constructing New Logical Equivalences

Use the equivalences above to reduce/decompose one compound proposition into the other

To show that a statement is a tautology, use the equivalences above to reduce/decompose the function into a single, final T value.