CSCE 221 Chapter 4

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Stacks are #Abstract Data Structures

  • Last in are first out (LIFO)
  • Best example: Undo in text editor
  • push() adds item to top of stack
  • pop() removes top item

Abstract Data Structures

Example: stock trades

Supported options: buy, sell, cancel (implementations are not described, so we can't tell how long it takes to buy something)

Array-based Stack

  • add elements from left to right
  • variable keeps track of last element

Traversing Code Example

Algorithm size() {
  return t+1;

Algorithm pop()
  if (isEmpty()) throw new EmptyStackException();
  else return S[t-- + 1];

Algorithm push(o) {
  if (t == S.length - 1) throw FullStackException();
  else S[t++] = o;

What if we didn't want to throw an exception when the stack is full?

  1. Increment size by a constant
  2. Double the size when it is full

Measuring Performance

  Array (doubling) List
push() worst:


size() w/ aux:

w/o aux:

Amortized time

same thing as average time per operation

Where returns the number of operations (or time) for elements.

Plot average time on a graph

Big-O Notation

Find the cost of the doubling method

Suppose we have items we want to add to the stack. How many doublings () will occur in terms of the array size?

We can ignore log(2) since it is a constant, and Big-O only focuses on dominating terms.


Suppose that is the time taken for an array of elements.

The amortized time (cost) for the operation in question would be

If we plot on a graph, we can see how time relates to the input size.


Another abstract data structure

  • First in, first out (FIFO)
  • Best example: waiting in lines
  • enqueue() adds item to end of line
  • dequeue() removes item from front of line

Array-based implementation

Use an array of size in a circular fashion:

  • enqueue on the right/end
  • dequeue from the left/front

Two pointers: front and end

if ((end + 1) % size == front), then queue is full

Algorithm size() {
  return (N - f + e) % N

Algorithm isEmpty() {
  return (e==f)

Algorithm enqueue(o) {
  if (size() == N-1) {
   throw FullQueueException
  } else {
    Q[r] = o
    r = (r + 1) % N

Measuring Performance

  FullQueueException Array (doubling) Array (increment by constant)
enqueue() worst:




Double-Ended Queue ("Deque")

Basically a combination of stack and queue:

  • insertFirst(o)
  • insertLast(o)
  • removeFirst()
  • removeLast()
  • first()
  • last()
  • size()
  • isEmpty()


  Stack (array-based, fixed size) Stack (growable) Stack (singlist-based: ins/rem-lft)
push worst
  Queue (array-based, fixed size) Queue (growable) Queue (singlist-based: ins-rgt, rem-lft)
enqueue worst
  Deque (array-based, fixed size) Deque (growable) Deqeue (singlist-based)
insertFirst worst
insertLast worst