CSCE 221 Chapter 12
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Graph ADT
- Vertices
- nodes that contain a label
- Edge
- connects two vertices and contains data
- Road maps
- map of flight paths between airports
- Networks
- Social Networking Sites
- Database relations
Edge Types
- Directed
- edges have arrows (can only be traversed in that direction)
- a graph with all directed edges is called a directed graph or digraph
- Undirected
- edges have no direction
- a graph with all undirected edges is called an undirected graph
- Weighted
- edges store values (e.g. distance) about the relationships between vertices
- Unweighted
- edges only connect vertices
- Dense
- many, many edges
- Sparse
- very few edges
For Undirected Graphs
- Endpoints
- two vertices of a given edge
- Edges incident on a vertex
- Edges that are connected to a given vertex
- Adjacent vertices
- two vertices that are connected by an edge
- Parallel
- for two nodes connected by two edges (double-bond in chemistry)
- Self-loop
- Any edge that starts and ends at the same vertex
- Degree
Adding Directed edges
- Outgoing edges
- edges pointing away from a given vertex
- Incoming edges
- edges pointing to a given vertex
- In-degree
- how many edges come to a given vertex
- Out-degree
- how many edges go out from a given vertex
- Path
- sequence of alternating vertices and edges
- begins and ends with a vertex
- edge preceded and followed by endpoints
- Simple path
- No vertex is crossed twice
- Cycle
- Starts and ends with same vertex
- Simple cycle
- no vertex is crossed twice
Mathematical Properties
- is # of vertices
- is # of edges
- is degree of vertex
Undirected Graphs
Directed Graph
Vertices and edges are both Positions
Accessor Methods
- aVertex()
- incidentEdges(v)
- degree(v)
- endVertices(e)
- opposite(v,e)
- areAdjacent(v,w)
Directed Accessors
- isDirected(e)
- origin(e)
- destination(e)
Update Methods
- insertVertex(o)
- insertEdge(v,w,o)
- insertDirectedEdge(v,w,o)
- removeVertex(v)
- removeEdge(e)
Generic Methods
- numVertices()
- numEdges()
- vertices()
- edges()
Edge List
Store ordered pairs of edges containing their vertices and weight. Store separate list of vertices
Adjacency List Structure
(best data structure for graph)
Similar to edge list, but vertex list (hash table with vertices as keys) stores ordered pairs of adjacent vertices
Adjacency Matrix
(good for dense graphs where vertexes are not updated frequently)
Store table of size vertices × vertices with data inside it. Keep the vertex and edge sequences/lists
Property | Edge List | Adjacency List | Adjacency Matrix |
Space | |||
incidentEdges(v) | |||
adjacentVertices(v) | |||
areAdjacent(v,w) | |||
insertVertex(o) | |||
insertEdge(v,w,o) | |||
removeVertex(v) | * | ||
removeEdge(e) | * |
- we could store pointers to both adjacency ordered pairs under each of the vertex's hash chain, so we would have access to any adjacent vertices from any edge.
Thursday, April 7, 2011
Subgraph is a subset of vertices and edges in the graph
Called a spanning subgraph if it contains all vertices, but not all edges
"Connected graph" has edges between two subgraphs
A "Connected component" is a cluster of vertices that are connected by edges
Trees and Forests
A tree is an undirected graph such that it
- is connected
- has no cycles
A forest is graph that is a collection of trees
Spanning trees and forests are spanning subgraphs (contains all vertices) that satisfy tree/forest definitions
Depth-First Search
A traversal of a graph (like Euler tour is to binary trees):
- visit all vertices and edges: Runs in time.
- determines whether a graph is connected
- computes connected components
- computes a spanning forest
- finds any cycles
Algorithm DFS(Graph G, Vertex v) Input: Graph and starting vertex Output: Labeling of edges of G in the connected component of v setLabel(v, VISITED) for all e in G.incidentEdges(v) if getLabel(e) = UNEXPLORED w = opposite (v,e) if getLabel(w) = UNEXPLORED setLabel(e, DISCOVERY) DFS(G, w) else setLabel(e, BACK) end end end
Algorithm DFS(Graph G) // Driver function for all u in G.vertices() setLabel(u, UNEXPLORED) end for all e in G.edges() setLabel(e, UNEXPLORED) end for all v in G.vertices() if getLabel(v) = UNEXPLORED DFS(G,v) end end end
for all loop in DFS(G, v) is and decreases each time as more vertices are visited
Loops in DFS(G) are
Path Finding
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
Perform Depth-First Search to find path from vertex to vertex
Algorithm pathDFS(G, v, z, S = Stack()) setLabel(v, VISITED) S.push(v) if (v==z) return S.elements() for e in G.incidentEdges(v) if (getLabel(e) == UNEXPLORED) setLabel(e, DISCOVERY) S.push(e) pathDFS(G, w, z, S) S.pop() else setLabel(e, BACK) end end end
Adjacency List: Adjacency Matrix:
Cycle Finding
Perform DFS to find cycle from a vertex looking for a back edge
Algorithm cycleDFS(G, V, S = Stack()) setLabel(v, VISITED) S.push(v) for e in G.incidentEdges(v) if (getLabel(e) == UNEXPLORED) w = opposite(v,e) s.push(e) if (getLabel(w) == UNEXPLORED) setLabel(e, DISCOVERY) pathDFS(G,w) S.pop(e) else T = Stack() do o = S.pop() T.push(S.pop()) while (o!=w) return T.elements() end end end S.pop() end
Breadth-First Search
Algorithm BFS(Graph G) // Driver function for u in G.vertices() setLabel(u, UNEXPLORED) end for e in G.edges() setLabel(e, UNEXPLORED) end for v in G.vertices() if (getLabel(v) == UNEXPLORED) BFS(G,v) end end end
Algorithm BFS(Graph G, Vertex s) L[0] = new Sequence() L[0].insertLast(s) setLabel(s, VISITED) i = 0 while !L[i].isEmpty() L[i+1] = new Sequence() for v in L[i].elements() for e in G.incidentEdges(v) if (getLabel(e) == UNEXPLORED) w = opposite(v,e) if (getLabel(w) == UNEXPLORED) setLabel(e, DISCOVERY) setLabel(w, VISITED) L[i+1].insertLast(w) else setLabel(e, CROSS) end end end end i++ end end
Minimum Spanning Trees
A spanning tree that minimizes the total weights (sum) of all edges
Cycle Property: Adding an edge to a spanning tree will create a cycle. Construct by removing the largest edge of every cycle. If 2 edges in cycle are equal, there are multiple unique minimum spanning trees
Partition Property: Partitioning a spanning subtree will identify one connecting edge. That edge will have the least value of all edges between the two vertex groups.
Prim-Jarnik's Algorithm
- Pick a random vertex . We will grow a minimum spanning tree from that vertex.
- Look at all edges connecting the current tree to any other node in the graph (but not in the cloud yet). Include the edge with the smallest weight and add its adjacent vertex to the cloud
- Repeat step 2 until all nodes are included
Uses the partition property to connect two groups of nodes
- A priority queue stores vertices outside the cloud (key: distance, element: vertex)
- store distance (weight from current node to antoher other node), parent edge (in min tree), and locator (in priority queue) with each vertex
Algorithm PrimJarnikMST(G) Q = HeapPriorityQueue() s = G.aVertex() for (v in G.vertices) { O(n) } if (v == s) setDistance(v, 0) else setDistance(v, INFINITY) // original distance is infinity setParent(v, NULL) l = Q.insert(getDistance(v), v) // add vertex to priority queue setLocator(v, l) end while (!Q.isEmpty()) { O(n) } u = Q.removeMin() { O(log n) } for (e in G.incidentEdges(u)) { O(deg(u)) + O(m) } z = G.opposite(u, e) r = weight(e) if (r < getDistance(z)) // find and set distance from node u to node z setDistance(z, r) setParent(z, e) Q.replaceKey(getLocator(z), r) { O(log n) } end end end end
- n × T(:removeMin, n)
- m × T(:replaceKey, n)
- m × T(:change_data)
- n × T(:incidentEdges, n, m)
Total time: (assuming Adjacency List and Heap Priority Queue) Note:
Kruskal's Algorithm
- Order all edges by weight
- Add smallest edge to cloud if it does not create a cycle
- Repeat for all edges
- Priority Queue stores edges outside cloud (key: weight, element: edge)
Algorithm KruskalMST(G) for (v in G.vertices()) define Cloud(v) end Q = PriorityQueue() for (e in G.edges()) { O(m) } Q.insert(weight(e), e) { O(log m) } end T = Graph() while (T.size() < G.size()-1) { O(n) } e = T.removeMin() { O(log n) } (u,v) = endpoints(e) if (Cloud(v) != Cloud(u)) T.insert(e) merge(Cloud(v), Cloud(u)) // replace with union(u,v) end end return T end
Partition Data Structure
Stores a collection of separate sets.
Each set stored in a sequence and each element in the set has a reference back to its set (so find() is fast)
An element will always be added to a set that contains at least 2× the number of elements, so it will be processed times.
- find(u) returns the set storing u ()
- union(u,v) replace the sets storing u and v with their union ()
Shortest Path
Given a weighted graph and two vertices, what is the shortest path from u to v (minimum weight)
Shortest path is not contained in the Minimum Spanning Tree
Shortest Path Tree
Not contained in the Minimum Spanning Tree — violates the cycle property
- A subpath of a shortest path is itself a shortest path
- There is a tree of shortest paths from a start vertex to any other vertex
Dijkstra's Algorithm
Very similar to Prim-Jarník's Algorithm
- Graph is connected
- Edges are undirected
- Edge weights are nonnegative
Grow a cloud of vertices starting with start vertex. Store a label at each vertex (initialized to ∞) that represents the distance from start vertex to that vertx.
Look at vertices outside of cloud, and add the shortest one.
Algorithm DijkstraDistances(G, s) Q = HeapPriorityQueue(); for v in G.vertices(); { O(n) } if (v==s) setDistance(v, 0) else setDistance(v, INFINITY) l = Q.insert(getDistance(v), v) { O(log n); if bottom-up, this entire loop is O(n) } setLocator(v,l) end while !Q.isEmpty() { O(n) } { pull new vertex into cloud } u = Q.removeMin() for e in G.incidentEdges(u) { O(deg(u)); Total: O(sum(deg(u)) = O(m)} { all steps in this loop called "relaxing edge" e } z = G.opposite(u, e) r = getDistance(u) + weight(e) // only difference between Prim's and Dijkstra's if (r < getDistance(z)) setDistance(z, r) setParent(z, u) // helps us reconstruct traversal path Q.replaceKey(getLocator(z), r) { O(log n) } end end end end
Not in the code: Keep track of the edges that give the distances stored in the Queue
Overall times for Adjacency List/Matrix and Heap/UnsortedSequence Priority Queue:
- [PQ] n × insert() init = { Heap: (bototm-up), UnSeq: }
- [Graph] n × incidentEdges() = { AL: , AM: }
- [PQ] n × removeMin() = { Heap: , UnSeq: }
- [PQ] O(m) × replaceKey() = { Heap: , UnSeq: }
Adjacency Matrix | Adjacency List | |
Heap | ||
Unsorted Sequence |
Bellman-Ford Algorithm
Works even with negative-weight edges! (must assume directed edges)
Algorithm BellmanFord(Graph G, Vertex s) for v in G.vertices() if (v == s) setDistance(v, 0) else setDistance(v, INFINITY) end for i from 1 to G.numVertices()-1 { O(n) } for e in G.edges() { AL: O(m), AM: O(n^2) } if (getDistance(u) == INFINITY) continue u = G.origin(e) z = G.opposite(u,e) { z is destination } r = getDistance(u) + weight(e) if (r < getDistance(z)) setDistance(z,r) setParent(z, u) end end end end
Adjacency List: Adjacency Matrix:
All-Pairs Shortest Path
Find shortest path tree for every vertex:
3 Options:
- Call Dijkstra's Algorithm n times
- Call Bellman-Ford's algorithm n times
- Another algorithm we won't cover…