CSCE 121 Chapter 21
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STL Algorithms
A more generalized Sum:
template<class In, class T, class BinOp> T accumulate(In first, In last, T init, BinOp op) {
while (first!=last) {
init = op(init, *first); // means “init op *first”
return init;
Usage: product
double product = accumulate(ld.begin(), ld.end(), 1.0, multiplies<double>());
Inner Product
inner_product(v1, v2) = af + bg + ch + di + ej
Generalized code to provide operations
template<class In, class In2, class T, class BinOp, class BinOp2> T inner_product(In first, In last, In2 first2, T init, BinOp op, BinOp2 op2) {
while(first!=last) {
init = op(init, op2(*first, *first2));
return init;
FINALLY! A PHP-style array (Ruby-style Hash)
Stored as an ordered, balanced binary tree
- balanced
- same depth on each side of root node
- ordered
- stuff on left of root node are (alphabetically/sorted) before root node, stuff on right of root are sorted after root
Object Code
template<class Key, class Value> class map {
// ...
typedef pair<Key,Value> value_type; // a map deals in (Key,Value) pairs
typedef ??? iterator; // probably pointer to tree node
typedef ??? const_iterator;
iterator begin(); // points to first element
iterator end(); // points to one beyond the last element
Value& operator[](const Key&);
iterator find(const Key& k); // is there an entry for k?
void erase(iterator p); // remove element pointed to by p
pair<iterator, bool> insert(const value_type&); // insert new pair before p
// ...
int main() {
map<string,int> words; // keep (word,frequency) pairs
string s;
while (cin>>s) ++words[s]; // note: words subscripted by string; words[s] returns int&; int values initialized to 0
typedef map<string,int>::const_iterator Iter;
for (Iter p = words.begin(); p != words.end(); ++p)
cout << p->first << ": " << p->second << "\n";
// Init stock map 'dow'
double alcoa_pice = dow["AAA"];
double boeing_price = dow["BO"];
if (dow.find("INTC") != dow.end())
cout << "Intel is in the Dow"
// calculate Dow Jones index
<syntaxhighlight lang="cpp">double value_product(const pair<string, double>& a, const pair<string, double>& b) {
return a.second * b.second
double dj_index = inner_product(
dow.begin(), dow.end(), // all companies in index
dow_weight.begin(), // their weights
0.0, // initial value
plus<double>(), // add (as usual)
value_product // extract values and weights
); // and multiply; then sum
In General...
STL Containers and Pseudocontainers
- Sequence
- vector, list, deque
- Associative
- map, set, multimap, multiset (multi- allows for duplicates)
- Pseudocontainers
- array, string, stack, queue, priority_queue
- soon-to-be (C++0x)
- unordered_map (hash table), unordered_set
STL-Style Algorithms
- Take 1+ sequences (usually pairs of iterators
- Take 1+ operations
Useful standard algorithms
- r = find(b,e,v)
- r points to first occurrence of v in [b,e)
- r = find_if(b,e,p)
- r points to first element in [b,e) so that p(x) is true
- x = count(b,e,v)
- x is number of occurrences of v in [b,e)
- x = count_if(b,e,p)
- x is number of elements in [b,e) that satisfy p(x)
- sort(b,e)
- sort [b,e) using <
- sort(b,e,p)
- sort [b,e) using p(x)
- copy(b,e,b2)
- copy [b,e) to [b2, b2+(e-b))Important: doesn't check space
- unique_copy(b,e,b2)
- merge(b,e,b2,e2,r)
- r = equal_range(b,e,v)
- equal(b,e,b2)
Example: Quick Dictionary
Takes an input file and outputs an alphabetical, non-duplicated list of words separated by newlines ("\n"). This was our 3rd homework assignment, and it took many lines of code to do the same thing.
int main() {
string from, to
cin >> from >> to;
ifstream is(from.c_str());
ofstream os(to.c_str());
istream_iterator<string> ii(is);
istream_iterator<string> eos;
ostream_iterator<string> oo(os, "\n");
set<string> b(ii, eos);
copy(b.begin(), b.end(), oo);