BIOL 112 Lecture 23

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(seeded) flowering plants

The flower

evolved from mutated sporophylls of early ancestor

Male parts
anther + filament = stamen
Pollen grains have 2 sperm (c.f. gymnosperms = 1)
microsporocyte (2n) → microspores (n) → gametophyte (2 sperm, 1 tube cell)
Female parts
stigma + style + ovary = carpel
megasporocyte (2n) → macrospore (n) →

Ovary of flower becomes fruit, and ovules become seeds.

Double Fertilization

sperm (n) + egg (n) = zygote (2n) (does the usual job)

sperm (n) + 2 × polar cells (n,n) = endosperm (3n) [1]

Kingdom Animalia

  • invertibrates (no notochord, no backbone)
  • invertibrate chordates (notochord, no vertebrae)
  • vertebrate chordates (notochord, vertebrae)

There are 1.3 M known animal species (estimated 10–100 M)

Defining Characteristics

  • multicellular
  • ingestive heterotrophic
  • blastula — hollow sphere of cells during embryonic development
  • gastrulation (infolding of blastula) to create multiple germ layers
    • triploblast: (mesoderm [2], endoderm [3], ectoderm [4])
      • Protostome: mouth forms from blastopore, spiral embryonic cleavage, determinant (fates set early) stem cells, schizocoelous [5] mesoderm
      • Deuterostome: anus forms from blastopore, radial embryonic cleavage, indeterminant (fates remain flexible) stem cells, endocoelous [6] mesoderm
    • diploblast: (endoderm, ectoderm)
  • Hox genes — define anterior-posterior axis


  1. the endosperm serves as a source of food and energy for the developing plant embryo. Equivalent to megasporangium in gymnosperms.
  2. mesoderm becomes muscle, cartilage, bone, circulatory system, and gonads
  3. endoderm becomes the gut, respiratory system, and other internal organs
  4. ectoderm becomes skin and nervous system
  5. schizocoelous mesoderm splits off at the base of the blastopore
  6. endocoelous mesoderm buds off the archenteron, or endoderm lining