CSCE 121 Chapter 12-14

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« previous | Monday, October 11, 2010 | next »

GUI (yay!)

Objects are "attached" to a window object, and the display engine takes care of the rest.

Running in Terminal: ssh -X -l mbarry

Simple Example

Graph lib based on FLTK

#include "graph_lib.h"

int main() {
  using namespace Graph_lib;                  // provided by Dr. Stroustrup
  Point tl(100,200);
  Simple_window win(tl, 600, 400, "Canvas");  // location, width, height, title

  // Create polygon with three sides.
  Polygon poly;

  win.wait_for_button();                      // display window

Graphical utilities

Here are just a few of the graphing utilities

Generic Member Functions:


Axis xa(Axis::x|Axis::y, Point(a,b), int length, int notches, string label)

Member Functions:

  • xa.set_color(Color c);
  • xa.label.set_color(Color c);


Function sine(sin, 0, 100, Point(20,150), 1000, 50, 50); // Sine curve

Plot sin() in range [0:100) with origin at 20, 150 using 1000 points; scale x values by 50, scale y values by 50


Image ii(Point(0,0), "filename.jpg");

Member Functions:

  • ii.set_mask(Point, int width, int height);


Rectangle r(Point(0,0), 100, 200);
  • r.set_fill_color(Color c);

Converting data to a string: osstream

ostringstream oss;
oss << "screen size: " << x_max() << "*" << y_max() << "; window size: " << win.x_max() << "*" << win.y_max();
string screen_info = oss.str();

Code Library Definitions

struct Shape {/* ... */};

struct Point{
  int x,y;
  Point(int xx, int yy) : x(xx), y(yy) {}

struct Line : Shape {    // ':' means 'extends' or 'is a type of'
  Line(Point p1, Point p2);

struct Lines : Shape {
  void add(Point p1, Point p2) {

Implementation of <tt>Lines</tt>:
<code cpp>int x_size = win.x_max();
int y_size = win.y_max();
int x_grid = 80;
int y_grid = 40;

Lines grid;
for (int x = x_grid; x < x_size; x += x_grid)  // vertical lines
  grid.add(Point(x,0), Point(x, y_size));
for (int y = y_grid; x < y_size; y += y_grid)  // horizontal lines
  grid.add(Point(0,y), Point(x_size, y));


Wednesday, October 13, 2010

typedef's: Functional Arguments

Declare a type of a function that takes a single double argument and returns a double.

Allows functions (function names) to be passed as arguments to another function

typedef double Fct(double);

void execute(Fct f) {
  cout << f(30);

// ...

double fun (double x) {
  return x/2.0;

// ...

int main() {

Friday, October 15, 2010

Logically different operations

shape.add() copies objects

window.attach() creates reference

Hide the "lower" code; e.g. DBAL

"collection of functions meant to be used together."

Inheritance Modifiers

Only for public inheritance:

struct S1 : S2 {};        // defaults to public
class S1 : public S2 {};  // defaults to private; "public" flag makes public members public
anyone can access the members
only class and any derived classes can access members
only the current class can access members
class Shape {
    Shape();   // Shape class is abstract; can only be inherited
    void add(Point p);

Shape ss;      // Cannot be instantiated

Shape class

  • Deals with color and style
  • draws points on window by connecting them

How Shape draws lines:

void Shape::draw_lines() const {
  if (color().visible() && 1 < points.size())
    for (int i=1; i < points.size(); ++i)
      fl_line(points[i-1].x, points[i-1].y, points[i].x, points[i].y);

How Lines overloads the draw_lines() function:

void Lines::draw_lines() const {
  for (int i=1; i < number_of_points(); i+=2)
    fl_line(point(i-1).x, point(i-1).y, point(i).x, point(i).y);

virtual Function Modifier

virtual void draw_lines() const;

virtual enables "late-binding" or "polymorphism" -- let runtime decide which function to execute (when overloaded in derived classes)

Creating pure virtual function

virtual double increase(int i)=0;  // note the "=0"

Interfaces: abstract classes

struct Engine {
  // no data
  // (usually) no constructor (protected if defined)
  virtual double increase(int i)=0;  // must be defined in derived class
  virtual ~Engine();                 // (usually) a virtual destructor

class M123 : public Engine {
    M123();  // constructor
    double increase(int i) { /* ... */ }
    // ...
    ~M123();    // destructor: cleanup, release sources

Engine eee;  // ERROR: Engine is abstract
M123 meee;   // OK

Object-Oriented Programming

  • Base and derived classes ("inheritance")
    • A function expecting a Shape parameter can accept any derived object type
    • Simplifies use
  • Virtual functions ("polymorphism")
  • Private and Protected members ("encapsulation")